Prior to treatment

Do not wear make up, remove contacts, wear comfortable clothes, Patch test done to determine any allergies to pigment

Discontinue Retina-A or Retinols for 7 days prior to treatment and for 30 days following procedure.

Do not drink alcohol or caffeine for at least 24 hours before procedure. 

Do not take aspirin, Niacin, Vitamin E, Ibuprofen unless medically necessary for at least 24-48 hours prior to appointment. 

Fish oils are blood thinners and should be avoided unless directed by a physician. 

Avoid working out and excessive sweating prior to your appointment.

*Client must send a picture of their natural brows to determine whether you're a good candidate for treatment. 


What to Expect

The treatment takes approximately 2 hours

Only client is allowed in session

Client must be at least 18 years old

We will shape and design the brows using the golden mean ratio and measure until the desired symmetry and look are achieved, a topical anesthetic will be placed over the brows to help with any discomfort, in a reclined position while the strokes are being drawn. A second refining appointment is scheduled complimentary to perfect the overall shape. This is usually done about 4 weeks out.

After Treatment

30 minutes after the treatment rinse the brows with neutral gentle soap, then apply a very thin layer of PhiShield ointment- repeat this procedure 3 to 5 times during the day, the next 7 days should follow this same care and should also include: no make up in brow area, avoid workouts with excessive sweating, saunas, facial massage, and steam. 



Microblading — $450

Touch up 4 weeks later complimentary

1 year touch up for existing client — $250

2 year touch up for existing client — $350

Over 2 years will be standard fee

*$100 deposit required to book appointment

Accepted Payments: Cash, Check, Venmo & Paypal

Contraindications for treatment

Must not be pregnant or breastfeeding. 

If you have any irritation on brow area, (such as blemishes) you must send a picture to determine if we need to reschedule your appointment. 

Diabetes, Clients currently in chemotherapy treatment- you will need to be completed with treatment with an approval from your doctor, bleeding disorders, vitiligo, psoriasis and eczema in the eyebrow area.